Upword Adjustment of pension payment

To you who receive a pension from Telenor Pensjonskasse:

The pension is adjusted upwords per 1 May 2017.


If you receive a pension from Telenor Pensjonskasse as a result of your retirement immediately after termination of your employment, the pension will be regulated as from the 1st of the year after you retired. As of 1 May 2017, letters were sent to all retirees with more information on the regulation as of 1 May 2017.

If you have a paid-up policy in Telenor Pensjonskasse, you will receive a statement every year that shows the amounts that the paid-up policy comprises. The statement will be sent in late May. If you have a deal with a Digipost, you will receive the bank statement there. By the way, it is sent by regular mail.

If you receive a pension from a paid-up policy, the statement will show if the amount is to be changed. Information about when payment (with backpay) of new amounts will be posted on this page.